Power Vault Finance
2 min readNov 18, 2020

We have successfully concluded our LGE. Although the amount of ETH raised for the LGE was low, we can take confidence that lower the amount of LGE raised, higher the ROI (return of investment) potential for our early investors.

LGE raised 16 ETH from our early investors and by doing so, it has set the bottom price for the $POW3R as well as the starting price of the $POW3R when it got listed on the UNISWAP.

As we have stated in our previous article (https://pvault-finance.medium.com/liquidity-generation-event-ac6ed3232557);
100% of the funds we raised for the LGE will be paired up with 100% supply of the $POW3R tokens.

$POW3R has a FIXED SUPPLY of 10,000 tokens, therefore, it has already paired up with 16 ETH to create liquidity on the UNISWAP. See the pictures below.

*POW3R has total supply of 10,000 tokens*

Currently, $POW3R is sitting at $4.75 which has marketcap of $47,500.

🌟 UNISWAP: https://bit.ly/3lBlPok
🌟 UNISWAP Info: https://bit.ly/2K9tOed
🌟 DEXTOOLS: https://bit.ly/36IFAUI

✅ $POW3R (PowerCore): https://bit.ly/3pxm9Xn
✅ PowerVault: https://bit.ly/36BNYFq
✅ FeeApprover: https://bit.ly/32P4YXH

🌐 Website: https://www.pvault-finance.com/
🌐 Telegram: https://t.me/PowerVault
🌐 Medium: https://pvault-finance.medium.com/
🌐 Twitter: https://twitter.com/VaultPower
🌐 Github: https://github.com/pvault-finance/pvault-contract

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