Power Vault Finance
2 min readNov 11, 2020

Fair Launch for ALL

Our Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) has kicked off on Nov 9th Monday, 08:30am PST. It will last about 6 days, which is until Nov 15th, Thursday, 08:30am PST.

Seems like many people are wondering what are some benefits of participating in LGE and How does LGE work?
(small hint of
$EN3RGY at the bottom)

Benefits of participating in LGE

🚀 Lowest Price to get your LP Tokens
Once the trading begins, there will be bots + investors who are looking to take advantage of the early buy ins which will spike up the price of $POW3R. Hence, trying to get the LP tokens after the LGE will be more expensive compared to the price at the LGE.

🌕 Starting Price will be set by the LGE
Price of LGE will set the starting price of the $POW3R when the trading begins. Since there are NO TEAM TOKENS and NO EXTRA TOKENS, bottom price is the LGE price.

💯 100% of the $POW3R supply in the LGE Pool
When LGE has concluded, all the raised ETH will be paired with 100% of the $POW3R supply which is 10,000 tokens. There will only be 10,000 $POW3R.

💰 Bulk Buys without changing the price of the tokens
When trading occurs, all the bulk buys will cause shift in price. It will be impossible to get the bottom price since all the liquidity will be locked permanently.

🔓 Liquidity LOCKED Permanently
When LGE has concluded, all the LP tokens can never be redeemed for the underlying assets. Meaning; you will not be able to swap them back to ETH & POW3R.

How does LGE work?

Instead of raising funds for ourselves, we decided to raise funds only for the liquidity because we want to prioritize our investors and farmers to experience a stable system to do their work.

100% of the ETH raised during the LGE will be use to pair up with 100% of the $POW3R supply (10,000 tokens) to create liquidity (LOCKED) on UNISWAP. Check out the flowchart below.


POW3R Token Verified

pVault Code Verified

FeeApprover Verified


Telegram: https://t.me/PowerVault
Website: https://www.pvault-finance.com/
LGE: https://www.pvault-finance.com/liquid_event
Github: https://github.com/pvault-finance/pvault-contract
Announcement: https://t.me/POWERVaultAN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VaultPower

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